Façade 🐼 Face Cream

Listen to the pronunciation as Melanie reads her poem.

I wear a façade like face cream.

As I massage the Olay into my right cheek,

My mask of happiness begins to take shape.

As the dryness is smoothed away,

My smile replaces the look of fear to face another day.

As I surround my eyes with the cold cream,

My eyes of despair betray my façade.

As I stare into the mirror,

My white application does not change my insides.

As I admire my mask,

My heart remains in my eyes.

~ written and read by Melanie, 5/31/18



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#1. I like to _________________ myself with honest friends.

#2. The housekeeper likes to ______________ out the sheets on the bed.

#3. Uncle Jake was in __________________ when his dog died.

#4. Use the _______________________ to get directions to the church.

#5. After leaving the building, I noticed the ___________________ of the cashier and storefront.

#6. Love is the most important quality that _________________ to keep the relationship strong.

#7. The passengers will wait while we ___________________ the flat tire.

#8. The woman will ____________________ the company to save her family.

#9. My husband is easy to __________________ for his strong character and work ethic.

#10. During the class lecture, Julie would _______________ out the window.
