🛳 Toys & People 👩‍🎨

Listen for pronunciation as Melanie reads her poem.

Toys can be manipulated.

People shouldn’t be.

Toys can be controlled.

People shouldn’t be.

Toys can be a reward.

People shouldn’t be.

Toys can be thrown away.

People shouldn’t be.

Toys don’t have a heart.

People do.

Toys don’t feel.

People do.

Toys don’t cry.

People do.

Toys don’t bleed.

People do.

Toys can transmit.

Not like people.

Toys can protect.

Not like people.

Toys can cause happiness.

Not like people.

Toys can age.

Not like people.

Toys won’t satisfy for long.

Neither will people.

Toys won’t last forever.

Neither will people.

Toys won’t give self-worth.

Neither will people.

Toys won’t take away fear.

Neither will people.

Toys are expensive.

So are people.

Toys are a gift.

So are people.

Toys are desirable.

So are people.

Toys are attractive.

So are people.

Toys can’t desire.

People can.

Toys can’t be rude.

People can.

Toys can’t be resilient.

People can.

Toys can’t heal.

People can.

~ Melanie, 12/19/18



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#1. Repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences, or lines.

#2. An example of anaphora from the poem is…

#3. This poem is an example of…

#4. Analogy is…

#5. An example of analogy is…

#6. Reasoning…

#7. ______________________ are the weakest form of logical argument because they rely on imaginary situations.

#8. __________________________ happens when the author concedes to the oppositions points and agrees they are valid.

#9. Is factual evidence given in this poem?

#10. In this poem, statistics are used.
